

7 Ways to Winterize Your Vehicle

Denton auto repair servicesWhen the cold weather rolls in each year, people think about winterizing their homes, their boats, and other expensive assets, but for some reason, cars don’t come to mind. However, to continue to get the best performance from your vehicle and avoid little things going wrong that could turn into major system failures, winterizing your automobile is essential, even In North Texas, where the weather doesn’t get or stay as cold as it does up north. This maintenance can be quite simple, if you schedule an appointment with your local Denton automotive repair shop. Here are the things to consider.

Windshield wiper replacement – While not as much of a concern in the dry Texas summers, windshield wipers are essential to visibility in the winter during the rain, snow, and ice storms that tend to plague the region. Tire pressurization – Essential to traction as well as fuel mileage, tire pressure changes with temperature, usually getting lower in the cold weather. Your tire pressure should be increased, monitored and maintained.

Examine belts and hoses – If you are at your 30,000-mile scheduled maintenance mark, your local mechanic will do this for you anyway, inspecting them for wear and tear. At the same time, an extra glance before the cold weather weakens the rubber too drastically is always a good safety precaution.

Check your battery – The cold weather makes it harder for the car to start anyway, and if there is corrosion on your battery’s posts or connections, or if the water is low, you are begging to be stranded. Make sure your battery is clean and in good working order before you have to count on a sympathetic passer-by to jump-start your vehicle.

Oil change – While this should be part of your regularly scheduled vehicle maintenance, in the winter, you want to pay special attention to the weight of the oil you are using. Oil thickens in the cold weather, so you’ll want to use a lighter weight oil to assure your engine is properly lubricated. Talk to a Denton auto technician or consult your owner’s manual for recommendations.

Mix your antifreeze – Make sure you have a 50/50 mix of antifreeze and water in the radiator to prevent freezing of the coolant in your car that leads to a busted radiator or an overheated car.

Prepare for the worst – In case you are stuck in the chill of a winter storm, have an emergency kit in your car containing a blanket, boots and gloves, an ice scraper, food and water, a flashlight, flares, jumper cables, a first aid kit, paper towels, and an ice scraper. If you follow these guidelines and have a qualified Denton automotive expert help you with the technical issues, you’ll be set for winter. You put a lot of faith in your vehicle to get you from Point A to Point B on demand – do what you can to assure that trust is earned!

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